Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So Much Colour!

Niko's Wild Hands

Siena Painting Green

Chloe Collaging

Jami Twisting and Twirling Her T-Shirt Yesterday 

Abby's T-Shirt Today - WOW!  

This is my favourite week of the whole year - Definitely Not School Summer Camp at my house. For one week each summer my house becomes a studio where kids paint and write and make a wonderful mess. Each day I am surrounded by so much beauty - the kind you find on paper, but also the living, breathing kind.  This summer there are seven of us.  If a house could glow because of what was happening inside, mine would be shining like the sun. It is raining outside but we are making our own light inside.  


Summer View From My Kitchen Window

Summer View From My Kitchen Window
I am already more than a week into my summer holidays and just beginning to settle into this greenest of seasons - so glad to be at home with my windows and my light. I am just learning how to post these blogs, spending too much time in front of my computer, not enough time with the sky.  The morning began with thunder - an hour of pouring rain and thunder!!  Long after sunrise, the sky was still dark and ominous, but then suddenly the sun broke through. I put on my garden shoes, grabbed my camera, and went out to the flowers . . .   

After the Rain

After the Rain
After all that wild weather, the day lily leaves were covered with such quiet raindrops . . . 

After the Rain

After the Rain
One side of my yard is lined with leafy peonies - the grandmother of all flowers - pink, white, deep, deep red.  I have been deadheading the flowers all week long, but this one, just opening, survived the storm. I have lived in my house for nearly twenty years; these peonies were here long before I moved in and with any luck will be here long after I am gone.