Moonrise: 7:53 P.M. Sunrise: 8:02 A.M.
Moonset: 8:29 A.M. Sunset: 5:20 P.M.
R.G. Everson
When I was born my mother was given an amaryllis
which she tended carefully, cutting it back
after it had bloomed each year It was known
as Ronald's amaryllis That amazing flower
continued to bloom decade after decade until I
was forty-seven years old, when it withered and died
Since then I've jokingly (or not so jokingly)
said I was living on borrowed time beyond my means
It is cold outside, there are angels in the snow, but my amaryllis is blooming inside. She is definitely a "she", astonishing in her beauty. I have no idea how old she really is, how many times she has bloomed before, and who has watched her bloom. It really does not matter. She is blooming now for me - four magnificently large flowers at the end of January, in the middle of winter.